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Alexa Mellardo

Alexa Mellardo

About author

Alexa is the Mind + Body Deputy Editor of Eat This, Not That!, overseeing the M+B channel and delivering compelling fitness, wellness, and self-care topics to readers. Previously, she was the Travel and Experiences Editor of Elite Daily, where she managed the outlet's travel, social media, holiday, and experiences content. Most recently, she wore the hat of Lead Recipe Editor of Mashed, Tasting Table, and Health Digest. There, she managed a team of recipe developers, editors, and writers to curate the best, deliciously crafted recipes to the outlets' readers.

In her free time, Alexa is all about healthy cooking and eating, traveling, exercising, zen-ing out with yoga, blogging, and her two pups.

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Articles by Alexa Mellardo

mature woman making soup in kitchen, concept of what world's longest living family eats every day
woman drinking water in bright kitchen, concept of how much water to drink for weight loss
green tea
fit woman doing side leg raise exercise, concept of beginner exercises for love handles
70-year-old Liz Hilliard doing a side plank exercise, concept of exercises trainers do for all-day energy
steaming cup of coffee on counter, concept of how many cups of coffee to drink daily for weight loss
fit woman doing barbell deadlift exercise, concept of strength exercises to lose weight and keep it off
avocado toast with tomatoes, concept of Mediterranean diet snacks for weight loss
mature woman drinking tea, concept of how many cups of tea to drink to slow aging
fruit basket, concept of the #1 best fruit to eat after a workout
BMI concept
fitness man checking watch, concept of exercising for 30 minutes
legging design
high-protein foods, concept of the worst protein for belly fat
dumbbell lunge to press, concept of the 4-2-1 workout method
jar of peanut butter, concept of what eating peanut butter does to your waistline
Greek yogurt, concept of snacks for weight loss and muscle gain
fitness trainer Liz Hilliard, concept of supplement to look younger
mason jar salad, concept of easy weight-loss meal prep recipes
woman in bright kitchen cutting vegetables, concept of the best lunch for weight loss
69-year-old yoga instructor doing yoga exercises, split image, concept of yoga exercises to look younger
mature couple relaxing by lake at sunset, concept of U.S. states that are most likely to become blue zones
baked chicken legs, concept of keto recipes for weight loss
woman incline walking workout, concept of viral 12-3-30 treadmill workout
5:2 diet for weight loss concept
mature woman walking outdoors, concept of walking for weight loss
banana pancakes with Greek yogurt, concept of the eat what you want, add what you need weight loss trend
healthy diet, lots of veggies in kitchen, concept of the top weight-loss diets of 2024
Liz Hilliard, 69-year-old trainer eats in a day concept
woman walking on sidewalk for exercise, concept of benefits for walking after meal